N O T E S :
(*1) Tedo Sakhokia, Collection. 1969, p. 65.
(*2) CSHA GR, F. 1818, inv. 12, case 135, sheets 17-18.
(*3) "Ozakom" - a special Transcaucasian committee formed by the
Provisional Government after the February Revolution. A. Chkhenkeli was a member of the
(*4) CSHA GR, F. 1818, op. 2, case 135, sheet 30.
(*5) A. N. Surguladze, Georgian Democratic
Intelligentsia in Three Revolutions (1900-1921) (in Georgian). Tbilisi, 1986, p. 247.
(*6) Z. Anchabadze. Essays on the Ethnic History of the
Abkhazian People. 1976, p. 96.
(*7) A. N. Surguladze, op. cit., p, 248.
(*8) "The Theatri da Tskhovreba", 1916, NO. 23: A. N.
Surguladze, op. cit., p. 248.
(*9) CSHA GR, F, 1823, inv. 2, case 1, sheets 153-159.
(*10) Ibid.
(*11) CSHA GR, F. 1823, inv. 2, case 1, sheets 153-159.
(*12) Georgian Archive, Harvard University, Reel 9, book 4, p. 17.
(*13) CSHA OR, F. 1823, anv. 2, c. 1, sheet 208.
(*14) Ibid.
(*15) "The Sakartvelos Respublika", 26 May, 1919.
(*16) Georgian Archive. Harvard University, Reel
74, box 22, book 5.
(*17) CSHA GR, F. 1861, inv. 2, c. 57, sh. 58.
(*18) Georgian Archive Harvard University. Reel 66, box 20, book 2.
(*19) Ibid.
(*20) Ibid.
(*21) Documents and materials of Foreign Policy of Transcaucasia and
Georgia; Tiflis, 1919, p. 376.
(*22) Georgian Archive. Hrvard University., Reel
66, box 20, book 2.
(*23) Ibid.
(*24) Documents and materials of Foreign Policy of Transcaucasia and
Georgia. Tiflis, 1919, p. 392.
(*25) Ibid, p. 409.
(*26) A Project of Division of the Territory of Georgia into New
Administration Units (regions). Tiflis, 1920, p. 40 (in Georgian).
(*) "Atavad" is prince for the Georgian "tavadi";
"ashnakuma" is house-servant (man) for the Georgian "Shinakma";
"adgil" is land-lot for the Georgian "Adgili"; "akambasb" is
buffalo for the Georgian "kamechi"; "ajam" is cup for the Georgian
"jams"; and others.
(*27) CSHA GR.
(*28) Ibid.
(*29) "Documents and Materials of Foreign Policy of Transcaucasia
and Georgia, Tiflis, 1919, p. 406.
(*30) CSHA GR, F. 1861, inv. 2. c. 28. sh. 71.
(*31) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 9, book 4, History of
the Abkhaz SSR, Sukhumi, 1983, p. 22.
(*32) History of the Abkhaz SRR, Sukhumi, 1983, p.22
(*33) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 9, book 2.
(*34) CSHA GR, F. 1824, inv. 1, c. 43, sh. 27-28.
(*35) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 9, book 4.
(*36) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 68. box 200, book
(*37) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 68, box 20, book
(*38) Georgian Archive, Harvard University. Reel 74, box 22, book
(*39) CSHA GR, F. 1864, inv. 1, c. 48. sh. 36-39.
(*40) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 67, box 80, book 9.
(*41) CSHA GR, F. 1864, inv. 1, c. 48. sh. 54.
(*42) CSHA GR. F. 1864, inv. 1, c. 48. sh. 63.
(*43) G. A. Dzidzaria. "Mahajirship and problem of 19th century
history of Abkhazia", Sukhumi, 1982, p. 497.
(*44) ibid, p. 497.
(*45) ibid.
(*46) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 91, box 28, book 85.
(*47) CSHA GR. F.1864, inv. 1, c. 48, sh. 100.
(*48) Archive. Harvard University. Reel 74, box 22, book 51, p.432
(*49) Ibid.
(*50) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 74, box 22,
book 51, p. 432.
(*51) Ibid.
(*52) Ibid, p. 431.
(*53) Ibid.
(*54) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 74, box 22, book 51,
(*55) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 74, box 22, book 51,
(*56) Ibid.
(*57) Constitutional Assembly of Georgia. 4th Session Report. 21.03.1919,
p. 2 (in Georgian).
(*58) Dem. govern, of Georgia & British command. Tiflis, 1928,
p. 48.
(*59) CSHA GR, F. 1863, inv. 1, c. 895, sh. 53.
(*60) Op. cit., F. 1861, op.22, c.120, sh. 1.
(*61) CSHA GR, F. 1861, inv. 2, c. 175, sh. 2.
(*62) CPA MLI CPSU, F.85, inv. 15, c. 42, sh. 23.
(*63) CPA MLI CPSU, F. 42, inv. 15. sh. 13.
(*64) CSHA GR, F. 1883, inv. I, c. 863, sh. 93.
(*65) Ibid.
(*66) Ibid.
(*67) Constitutional Assembly of Georgia. Op. cit., p. 13.
(*68) Ibid, p.16-17.
(*69) Op. cit., p. 17-23.
(*70) Op. cit., p. 25-27.
(*71) Ibid, p. 29-35.
(*72) B. E. Sagaria. National-State Construction in Abkhazia (1921-1931),
Sukhumi, 1979, p.25.
(*73) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, F. 85, inv. 15, c. 310, sh. 5-11.
(*74) People's Economy of Transcaucasia in figures. Tiflis, 1921, p.
(*75) B. E. Sagaria, Op. cit., p. 28.
(*76) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, F. 85, inv, 15, c. 10, sh. 5-11.
(*77) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, f. 64, inv. 2, c. 45, sh, 37.
(*78) Struggle for the Soviet Power in Georgia. Doc. &
materials. Tbilisi, 1958, p.563-564.
(*79) Z. Avalishvili. "Georgians independence in the international
politics of 1918-1919", Paris, 1924, p. 68-69.
(*80) Struggle for the Soviet Power in Georgia. Doc. & Mater.
Tbilisi, 1959, p.58-59
(*81) Strengthening the Soviet Power in Abkhazia. Doc. & materials
(1921-25). Sukhumi, 1957, p. 51.
(*82) S. Orjonikidze. Reports and spreeches, v. I.; Moscow, 1956, p.
(*83) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, f. 64, inv. 2, sh. 199.
(*84) CPA MLI-CC CPSU. f. 64, inv. 2, c. 105, sh. 58-
(*85) History of the Abkhaz SSR (1917-1837), Sukhumi.
1983, p. 105.
(*86) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, f. 17, inv, 13, c. 384, sh. 35.
(*87) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, f. 64, inv. 2, c. 35, sh. 141.
(*88) Documents of foreign policy of the USSR, v. IV, Moscow, I960,
(*89) V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, v. 43, p. 198.
(*90) V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, v. 43. p. 255;
(*91) CPA MLI-CC CPSU, f. 558, inv. 1, c. 2130, sh. 1.
(*92) 3rd Session of the All-Georgian Central Executive Committee
(records). Tiflis, 1926, p. 70.
(*93) The History of the Soviet Constitution (in document)
1917-1956, Moscow, 1957, p. 463.
(*94) PA GB ML1, f. 14. inv. 1, c. 153, sh. 215.
(*95) Struggle for the Soviet power in Georgia. Tbilisi, 1959, p. 527.
(*96) V. I. Lenin, Complete Works, v. 40, p. 98.
(*97) Struggle for victory Soviet rule in Georgia, Documents.
Tbilisi, 1958, p. 552.
(*98) Ibid.
(*99) E. Pozdnyakov. The National and the
international in foreign policy. Journal "Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn", No. 5, 1989,
p. 8.
(*100) V. I. Lenin. Complete coll. of works, v. 5, p. 163-164.
(*101) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 91, box 78, book 86.
(*102) Documents of the USSR foreign policy, v. II, Moscou, 1958, p.
(*103) Archive of the USSR foreign policy, f. 148. inv. 3, c. 35, sh. 3.
(*104) Documents of the USSR foreign policy, v. II, Moscow, 1958, p.
(*105) Ibid.
(*106) Ibid, p. 503.
(*107) Ibid.
(*108) Documents of the USSR foreign policy, v. II, Moscow, 1958, p.
(*109) CPA MLI CC CPSU, f. 558. inv. 1, c. 1621, sh, I.
(*110) Struggle for victory of Soviet rule in Georgia, p. 573.
(*111) USSR foreign policy archive,
f. 148. inv. 3, f. 3, c.
46, sh. 9.
(*112) USSR foreign policy archive, f. 148. inv. 3, f. 3, c. 46, sh. 9.
(*113) Struggle for victory of Soviet rule in Georgia... p. 608.
(*114) USSR foreign policy archive, f. 148. inv.
3, f. 4, c. 55, sh. 2-8.
(*115) V. I. Lenin. Complete coll. of works, v. 27, p. 53.
(*116) Struggle for viktory of Soviet pover in Georgia, p. 581, 584.
(*117) CSSR foreign policy archive, f. 148. inv. 3, F. 3, c. 41, sh. 3.
(*118) V. I. Lenin. Complete Coll. of Works, v. 41, p. 642.
(*119) CPA MLI - CC, f. 17. inv. 3, c: 94, sh. 6-8; A. Iremadze. At th
source of dawn. Tbilisi, 1984, p. 246-247.
(*120) Georgian Archive. Harvard University. Reel 101, box 32,
book 10.
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