Download Georgian MID file collection created other authors: GEOMID.ZIP Check out also other non-Georgian MID files. REAL AUDIO FILES:
Real Audio files (*.rm) presented by Besiki Sisauri.
The compact Disc is completed from the materials of DIMITRY GONASHVILI's personal archive. You may buy this CD in Georgia (CD # AIACD-001)
Compact Disk s completed in Studio "Soiuz". Producer: M.Saakashvili; sponsors: "EuroPrint", "IntelectBank", Telecompany Iberia", "Radio Audientsia", "II Channel", "Radio-2", newspapers "Shansi", "Oskari", "varskvlavebi", "saotsrebata kidobani". 1998. You may buy this CD in Georgia.
listen Georgian funny MP3 files from: How
about Georgian TV on the NET For more information about Georgian music, CDs and much more visit Besiki's Georgian Linkastic
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!!! Please note that Real Audio Files are
for personal use and presented for popularization of Georgian music only.